Guidelines to writing AIAA History Track Papers
Gardner Bibliography
The AIAA History Technical Committee is pleased to make accessible online the exceptional aviation bibliographical resource the U.S. WPA Bibliography of Aeronautics. Led by Lester D. Gardner, the indefatigable Institute of Aeronautical Sciences secretary, the IAS employed more than 100 people over a five-year period who compiled two million records that enabled the IAS to create one of the most comprehensive bibliographic record of aviation ever produced.
The Fellowships in Aerospace History, supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), annually fund research projects for six to nine months. Proposals for advanced research in history related to all aspects of aerospace, from the earliest human interest in flight to the present, are eligible, including cultural and intellectual history, economic history, history of law and public policy, and history of science, engineering, and management. The fellowships are open to applicants who already hold a doctoral degree in history or a closely related field, as well as those who have completed all course work for a doctoral degree-granting program.
Articles & Information around the Globe
Historic Aerospace Sites Historical Markers
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics dedicated 58 markers recognizing significant accomplishments made by the aerospace industry. Some have not been installed yet, including one for Tranquility Base - The Moon.
To honor the long tradition of aerospace achievement, AIAA established the Historic Aerospace Sites (HAS) Program in January 2000 to promote the preservation and recognition of significant geographic locations, buildings, and facilities associated with significant accomplishments in aerospace history. This program was administered by AIAA headquarters with support from members of the History Committee, as it was not actually a History Committee function.
AIAA has earned an international reputation as the preeminent publisher of cutting-edge aerospace journals and books, and as the leading source of aerospace industry archives, dating back to the early 1900s. Over the past eight decades, AIAA and its predecessor organizations have published over 300 books and almost 200,000 technical articles. AIAA’s current publications include eight technical journals, a magazine, three book series, national and international standards documents, a growing number of eBooks and other electronic products, and a full-service, interactive website. For the most authoritative technical publications, look to AIAA.
AIAA Aerospace History Timeline
Learn how today’s aerospace world evolved ... from the earliest dreams of flying ... to the 12-second airplane flight that gave humanity its wings ... to a planet driven by aerospace and now venturing ever deeper into space.
Smithsonian Air & Space Museums magazine
Aeronautics: A Selected Bibliography
Books used in preparing the book, Aeronautical and Astronautical Resources of the Library of Congress: A Comprehensive Guide
A History of Washington State Aerospace
FAA Aerospace History Timeline
The Engineering and Technology History Wiki (ETHW) is a website powered by MediaWiki with thousands of articles, first hand accounts, oral histories, milestones, archival documents and lesson plans pertaining to the history of technology. The ETHW is developed by a partnership between the United Engineering Foundation, and the AIChE, AIME, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, SPE and SWE.
The Canadian Aerospace Industry
The Viking Mars Missions Education & Preservation Project (VMMEPP) a 501c3 nonprofit is the single dedicated historical reference for the Viking mission to Mars. This exhibit is just one part of the resources and activities provided for historians and the public alike. Their activities can be viewed on Facebook
Share our passion for European aerospace history, and help us celebrate the anniversaries, events, organisations and people that set Europe on a course for space. Introducing European Space History - the Facebook page that features fascinating and unusual facts about the great European space adventure. The page focuses on the history of the European Space Agency, its origins and predecessor organisations, but also looks farther back in history and with wider European context.
The AIAA History Committee and its members participate in activities within and independent of AIAA. Links represent a combination of AIAA and History Committee Member projects and resources. The Committee will add new resources periodically, so please check back.